New Students
We encourage new families to visit SAGA's Open House or to meet with a SAGA representative and tour the school prior to submitting their application. If you are interested, please email the Admissions Team at for more information.
The information below reflects the admissions cycle for the upcoming school year, 2025-26. If you are interested in enrolling for the current year (2024-25) please email to discuss space availability and for the application link.
2025-26 Tuition and Fees
Tuition is based on annual costs per child and is paid in 10 monthly installments from September through June, regardless of when holidays, vacations, or absences occur. No refunds are offered for missed days.
2025-26 Preschool and PreK Tuition
3 days per week = $777/month (Preschool only)
4 days per week = $926/month
5 days per week = $1,077/month
Elementary (Kindergarten - 5th grade) Tuition
5 days per week, full day = $1,500/month
*10% sibling discount applies to second and any subsequent child attending SAGA
All programs: $60 - Application Fee (One time per child.)
Field Trip Fee: $10 - $15 per field trip; varies per classroom
Financial Aid
The Seattle Area German American School Board of Directors is offering financial aid for qualifying families.
Admissions Timeline:
February 7, 2025: New student application deadline. (New student applications will be accepted beyond the deadline as space allows.)
March 3, 2025: Enrollment contracts to admitted students sent no later than March 3rd, 2025.
March 31, 2025: Non-refundable tuition deposit due (one month’s tuition) to secure a spot
New Student Application (Preschool/PreK or Elementary)
Complete the New Student Application Form. The enrollment process for the 2025-26 School Year began in January 2025. The first round of contracts has been issued for the 2025-26 School Year. We continue to accept applications for the 2025-26 School Year and encourage you to apply!
Re-Enrollment for returning students has already been completed. Please contact the Admissions Team if you have any questions.
For questions regarding applications and registration, please contact our admissions team at
"Im impressed by how well the German curriculum is integrated with the Washington state curriculum and standards. It was a pleasure to see how the students switch effortlessly between the languages, and their command of the German language is fantastic."
Monique Mussbach, Former SAGA Intern
We chose SAGA because of the balance between language immersion, a curriculum based approach and the obvious attention to detail. We have not yet been disappointed!
Stacey Wiggins, Current SAGA Elementary parent
...the school is so much more than "just a" German immersion school. SAGA feels like an extension of our family and is such a creative, healthy, loving, caring, fun and motivating place for my daughter.
Annette Veihelmann, SAGA Alumni parent
Es ist nicht nur die Schule, sondern das gesamte gesellschaftliche und soziale Umfeld, dass den Reiz von SAGA ausmacht.
Gregor Tatsios, SAGA Alumni parent
"Im impressed by how well the German curriculum is integrated with the Washington state curriculum and standards. It was a pleasure to see how the students switch effortlessly between the languages, and their command of the German language is fantastic."
Monique Mussbach, Former SAGA Intern